
Solid Logistics SP supports our clients with high-quality storage tank inspection, engineering, maintenance, access, and data management expertise, as preventing corrosion, cracking, and leaking in refinery storage tanks is crucial for plant productivity, safety, and compliance.

Storage Tank Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Inspection and injection Services

We use a wide range of advanced NDT techniques for aboveground and underground tanks and all of their individual components, including floors, welds, annular rings, roofs, shells, and more.

Solid Logistics SP inspects tanks throughout all phases of their operational lives, encompassing their construction, inspection, and maintenance. Our inspections help tank operators identify signs of damage, including corrosion, leakage, cracking, and wall thinning.

In-Service, Intrinsically Safe (IS) Storage Tank Inspections

Our customized, non-intrusive tank inspection services — which include the use of an intrinsically safe (IS) probe —maximize safety by allowing owners to determine the relative condition of their storage tanks without sending technicians into the asset.

Solid Logistics SP’ in-service, IS scanning service is a reliable, environmentally-conscious, and safe tank inspection method, primarily used for ultrasonic wall thickness measurements. These inspections allow tank owners to postpone a full out-of-service inspection until a more appropriate time, reducing costs, downtime, and lost profits.

Additional benefits of this tank scanning service include:

Tanks stay in service

Personnel and environmental exposure to hazardous product is minimized

Accurate corrosion rate assessment

Hazardous waste disposal costs are minimized or eliminated

Environmental and operational liabilities are significantly reduced

Main Components of a Chemical Injection System in Oil and Gas

A fully functional chemical injection system has various components that function together to optimize productivity in the oil and gas industry. Although variations may occur depending on end-user preference, the components listed below are typically present in one form or the other.

Chemical Injection Storage Tanks

Storage tanks are indispensable to the process of chemical injection in oil and gas. These vessels house the vital chemical solutions required to improve oil recovery, decrease foaming, enhance separation, and inhibit channel corrosion. These tanks can be custom-built to suit end-user specifications and space considerations. Tank structures include a range of shapes from rectangular, square, or cylindrical variants.

Metering Pumps

Equally important to chemical injection systems are the pumps used to convey the chemicals into the targeted oil formations. Injection pumps sustain a steady flow of chemical solution throughout a wide range of pressures for optimized performance. Chemical injection pumps can be plunger, diaphragm, and double diaphragm configurations powered by electric motors, pneumatic systems or solar energy.


All chemical injection systems require instrumentation to monitor critical system parameters. Typical instrumentation can measure suction tank level, metering pump flowrate, metering pump discharge pressure, pulsations, and temperature. Multiple injection points can be managed by (1) metering pump and multiple injection rate control devices (IRCD) which separately meter the injection chemicals to individual injection points. Here is a typical IRCD chemical injection package.

Skid-mounted instruments monitor and record logs of the operating conditions within an injection system. These units also help to predict and prevent adverse situations by performing automatic shutdowns. Apart from automated fail-safes, chemical injection systems may also possess inbuilt alarms and manual shutdown valves.

Suction/Discharge Piping & Valves

In order to carry the specialty chemical from the storage tank to the metering pump, suction piping and manual valves are installed on the chemical injection package. Additionally, discharge piping and manual valves carry the high-pressure chemical from the metering pump to the skid edge, where the chemicals are routed to their final injection location. Hardware components such as ball valves, gate valves, check valves, calibration columns, etc. are all a part of the overall chemical injection package

Skid Compatibility

Most chemical injection systems are skid-mounted. Compatibility with a steel skid mount allows safe transport and operation while providing structural protection to the system during routine operations. Process skid manufacturers like IFS have several solutions for your chemical dosing and injection needs.

IFS Provides Modular Chemical Injection Packages

At Integrated Flow Solutions, we are dedicated to providing you with the most efficient modular chemical injection packages. For project operators looking to gain a competitive edge in the oil and gas industry, IFS is the right fit.

The information provided offers a comprehensive overview of storage tank inspection and chemical injection systems in the oil and gas industry. Here’s a breakdown:

Storage Tank Inspection:

Solid Logistics SP offers a range of services including Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Inspection and injection services for both aboveground and underground tanks. These services involve the use of advanced techniques to identify signs of damage such as corrosion, leakage, cracking, and wall thinning.

In-service, Intrinsically Safe (IS) Storage Tank Inspections utilize non-intrusive methods, including the use of IS probes, to assess tank conditions without downtime or risk to personnel.

Chemical Injection Systems:

Chemical Injection Storage Tanks: These tanks hold chemical solutions vital for various purposes in oil and gas operations, such as enhancing recovery, reducing foaming, and inhibiting corrosion.

Metering Pumps: These pumps ensure a steady flow of chemicals into targeted oil formations, operating under varying pressures and configurations.

Instrumentation: Essential for monitoring system parameters, instrumentation helps maintain optimal conditions and can include various sensors and control devices.

Suction/Discharge Piping & Valves: Pipes and valves facilitate the movement of chemicals from storage tanks to metering pumps and onward to injection points.

Skid Compatibility: Many systems are skid-mounted for ease of transport and operation, with compatibility ensuring safety and structural integrity.

IFS Modular Chemical Injection Packages:

Integrated Flow Solutions (IFS) specializes in providing efficient modular chemical injection packages tailored to the needs of oil and gas projects, offering solutions for enhanced productivity and competitiveness.

Overall, these components and services play crucial roles in ensuring the safety, efficiency, and compliance of oil and gas operations, highlighting the importance of proactive maintenance and advanced technology in the industry.